
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2208 )

( 2027 )


匹配条件: “C.R. Eveling” ,找到相关结果约470715条。
Ataque fatal en humano, por puma (Puma concolor) Human fatal attack by cougar (Puma concolor)
C.M. Portelli,C.R. Eveling,J. Lamas,P.J. Mamaní
Cuadernos de Medicina Forense , 2012,
Abstract: El ataque de félidos salvajes a humanos es infrecuente ya que éstos no reconocen a los seres humanos como víctimas. Estos animales persiguen una gran variedad de presas, desde ungulados, como las cabras y caballos hasta roedores. Presentamos el caso de una mujer, pastora de reba o caprino, quien fue atacada por un puma en la zona de la pre-Puna Salte a. La víctima falleció por una hemorragia aguda, secundaria a la sección completa de la vena yugular izquierda producida por las garras del felino. Attack of wild felines to humans is rare, since these do not recognize human beings as victims. These animals are pursuing a wide variety of prey, from ungulates such as goats and horses to rodents. We present a case of a woman, goat herd herder, who was attacked by a cougar in the area of the pre-Puna Salta. The victim died, for acute hemorrhage secondary to complete section of the left jugular vein caused by the claws of the cat.
Diferen?as morfológicas entre Amaranthus cruentus, cv. BRS Alegria, e as plantas daninhas A. hybridus, A. retroflexus, A. viridis e A. spinosus
Spehar, C.R.;
Planta Daninha , 2003, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-83582003000300017
Abstract: the pseudocereal grain amaranth, with the species amaranthuscaudatus, a. ruentus e a. hypochondriacus, domesticated by indigenous populations before america was discovered, has shown adaptability to production systems in the brazilian savannah. the plants present apical panicles, divided into small branches which hold fruits (pixid type), containing one seed each. the seeds germinate quickly in the presence of moisture, after physiological maturity. at the early phase of development, grain amaranth can be confounded with the weed species a. hybridus, a. retroflexus, a. viridis, a. spinosus, which are associated with agricultural expansion in the savannah. their morphological differences become more visible after flowering: branching, with axilary and terminal flowers in weed types contrasting with cultivated amaranth, in which panicles are apical; the light coloured seed testa contrasts with the black seed testas of the weed species. brs alegria (a. cruentus), the pioneer cultivar in brazil, presents 180 cm plant height, of which the panicle occupies 48 cm; physiological maturity at 90 days; resistance to lodging; seed weight of 0.68 g per 1.000, with yields of 2.3 t ha-1 (seed) and 5.6 t ha-1 (total biomass). the seeds of weed types are smaller, germinate gradually and may remain in soil for many years, infesting cultivated areas. the morphological differences detected under experimentation show that the species are distinguishable; they contribute to guiding grain amaranth seed production and commercial cultivation, emphasizing adaptation characteristics, in contrast to t weed seeds from the same botanical genus.
Ornithology for Africa
C.R. Brown
African Zoology , 2012,
Abstract: A few years ago I had the opportunity to review O.S. Pettingill's Ornithology in laboratory and field, a large volume fundamentally similar in content to that reviewed here. In my review of Pettingill's book I commented several times on the bias towards Northern Hemisphere and, in pariticular, North American birds and the resulting inapplicability of a large proportion of the book to students of ornithology in southern Africa. Gordon Maclean's book to some extent redresses Pettingill's omissions, being described on the jacket as 'the frrst book on ornithology to focus on the Southern Hemisphere using African examples'.
Parapsoriasis Responding To Narrow Band UV-B
Srinivas C.R
Indian Journal of Dermatology , 2001,
Correspondence Column
Srinivas C.R
Indian Journal of Dermatology , 1997,
Eenige aanvullingen op de encyclopedie van Nederlansch West-Indi III
C.R. Weytingh
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1940,
Suriname gedurende de regeering van koningin Wilhelmina
C.R. Biswamitre
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1938,
Eenige aanvullingen op de encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch West-Indi
C.R. Weytingh
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1941,
Eenige aanvulligen op de encyclopaedie van West-Indie
C.R. Weytingh
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1938,
Eenige aanvullingen op de encyclopaedie van West-Indie
C.R. Weijtingh
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1939,

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